Café Restaurant Hahn
Marktplatz 1
34560 Fritzla

Café Hahn
9.30 bis 21.00 Uhr
Dienstag Ruhetag
Meine Workshops
Ich habe immer meine Workshops oder Masterclasses auf Englisch gehalten, dementsprechend geht es auch auf Englisch weiter...
Themes for masterclasses:
1. Knowless
3. The art and science of seduction
Masterclasses: 1 or 3 day company-customized masterclasses about one of the three topics.
Themes for Workshops
1. Hypnoses
2. Coaching
3. Spiritualität
4. Tanz
The fundament: Soil
The SOIL-method © was developed by Cor van Leeuwen and serves as the basis of his procedure. Cor provides certified NLP-SOIL trainings (master and practitioner). His work and life are based on:
the empowerment of the US;
the intuition of the East;
the knowledge of the West;
the history of the Middle East;
the magic of the South
the strength of the universe
SOIL means earth, the basis where everything begins: here we have to show it tangibly. At the same time we respect the enormous miracle that life is. We are space and we give space a colour. Our passion is our driving force which lies in our intuition and our skills are to pay attention to it. There is always a cooperation between the interpretation, the development, the result and the shareability.